Bothered by the fact that boys and girls are treated differently in the extracurricular activities at Bear Country School, Queenie McBear decides to get some changes made.
Brother and Sister Bear don't realize the problems they will face when they agree to help Professor Actual Factual's super-smart nephew fit in at school.
Harry, a new student at Bear Country School who is disabled and uses a wheelchair, has trouble making friends until the others discover that he is really very much like them.
Even though they are not into rad fashions, Brother Bear and Sister Bear join the other cubs' protest when Mr. Grizzmeyer enforces a strict dress code at Bear Country School.
Sister Bear interviews her grandmother for a school assignment, Gran decides to enter her old vaudeville act in the school talent show, and Gramps moves into the gardening shed.
When Brother's class studies birds, the citizens of Bear Country end up choosing sides in a battle between environmentalists and those who want to cut down the trees in Birder's Woods to build houses.
When recent acts of shoplifting at the mall make store owners suspicious of the bear cubs who hang out there, the cubs decide to find out who the real shoplifters are.
Farmer Ben takes a dim view of the cubs' plan to hold a Halloween Festival to help save his floundering family farm, and the situation is complicated when a couple of Ben's dead ancestors show up.
Big Brother helps Milton Chubb, a huge new cub, deal with the school bully and make friends with Bertha Broom, but then Milton and Bertha must meet in a match for a spot on the school's wrestling team.
The cubs at Bear Country School convince Principal Honeycomb to turn the annual musicale into a rock contest, with a famous heavy metal rock star as judge.
Brother Bear and his friend Fred get more excitment than they had hoped for when they become involved in the efforts to build an entertainment complex including a wax museum in Beartown.
When Brother Bear and his classmates get laptop computers as a school experiment, they become lost in cyberspace, cruising chat rooms, exchanging email, clicking onto web sites, and neglecting their friends and family.
"Finally, when Mama was fully satisfied with how the food was arranged and all six places were set out, the Bear family and their friends sat down to their picnic lunch. There were 'yums' all around as the picknikers attacked those delicious picnic goodies..."